
Showing posts from November, 2021

The Architecture of Web Browsers

 The Architecture of Web Browsers How Web Browsers Work - The Architecture and how the different components work together - How the Rendering Engine works How Web Browsers Work - The following diagram illustrates the parts of a web browser and how they interact with each other. User Interface This is the user interface for the browser. It includes the Address Bar, back button, Bookmarking options, Refresh button, etc. The browser’s user interface is not specified in any formal specification, but comes from practices shaped over decades of experience (and browsers copying each other). As a result, all browsers have UIs that are extremely similar to each other. The Browser Engine The browser engine marshals actions between the browser’s user interface and the browser’s rendering engine. When you type in a new website and press the enter key, the browser UI will tell the browser engine, which will then communicate with the rendering engine. The Rendering Engine The rendering engine is...

Best Free Responsive Website Templates in 2021

 Best Free Responsive Website Templates in 2021 Normally, when you finish learning HTML CSS, you will want to find websites to practice coding in order to improve your skills. So today I would like to introduce you to some websites to download free HTML5 Templates to get design ideas as well as learn more skills from other programmers. Now let’s find out together! 1. W3Layouts W3Layouts   is a huge collection of templates for websites of various genres such as Education, Blog, hospitality, tourism, spa … When using the free version, you must accept to link the program’s advertisement on the website. Left if you want to delete it, it will be an option to enter that template We pay (typically between $ 10 and $ 25). 2. HTML5 UP HTML5 UP is a website that helps you to download free HTML Templates with fully responsive on-screen devices, built-in two basic languages HTML and CSS, easy to edit 3. UIdeck UIdeck is the place to get you to download free landing pages built primarily ...

The best vscode extensions for developer

the best vscode extensions for the developer  Extensions - Auto Rename Tag - Better Comments - Bracket Pair Colorizer 2 - Color Highlight - Colorful Comments  - Community Material Theme - Thunder Client - forget the postman - cweijan.vscode-mysql-client2 - indent-rainbow - HTML Boilerplate - HTML CSS Support - IntelliSense for CSS class names in HTML - Jupyter - Jupyter Notebook Renderers - Prettier - Code formatter - Auto Close Tag - Path Intellisense - Pylance - Python - Tabnine - Live Server - Vetur - vscode-icons - HTML Snippets - Material Icon Theme - Git Graph - Settings Sync - GitLens - CSS Peek - JavaScript Code Snippets - Colorize - Code Spell Checker - Icon Fonts - Turbo Console Log - TODO Highlight - Bookmarks - | how it work - CodeSnap - Best VS Code Themes: - Bearded Theme - Simple Black Theme - One Dark Pro - Dracula - Atom One Dark - GitHub Theme - Winter is Coming - Night Owl - Mon...