The Important SQL Queries for Beginners 1. Retrieving Data From All Columns This is a very basic query to display all data from a table. Notice that this query only has one character after SELECT : "*" (this denotes all columns). Therefore, you don't need to list the names of the columns. Of course, remember to write FROM and the name of the table from which you want to retrieve data. In this example, we are retrieving data from the table animal . Code SELECT * FROM animal; 2. Retrieving Data From Certain Columns The query above displays all of the data from the table animal . If you would like to only retrieve data from certain columns, list them after SELECT . In this example, we are retrieving data from the id and name columns. Code SELECT id, name FROM animal; 3. Filtering Data Using WHERE Clause In addition to retrieving data from certain columns, you can also filter data by listing ...