
Showing posts from September, 2021

MDN web development articles

mdn web development articles  How do I start to design my website? How does the Internet work? What is the difference between webpage, website, web server, and search engine? What is a Domain Name? What is a web server? Client-Server Overview

Introduction to HTTP

 Introduction to HTTP - Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is a protocol that provides a standardized way for computers to communicate with each other.  - It has been the foundation for data communication over the internet since 1990 and is integral to understanding how client-server communication functions. - HTTP is a protocol that allows the fetching of resources, such as HTML documents. - It is the foundation of any data exchange on the Web and it is a client-server protocol, which means requests are initiated by the recipient, usually the Web browser.  - A complete document is reconstructed from the different sub-documents fetched, for instance, text, layout description, images, videos, scripts, and more. Features: Connectionless: When a request is sent, the client opens the connection; once a response is received, the client closes the connection. - The client and server only maintain a connection during the response and request. - Future responses are made on a ne...

What are APIs?

 What are APIs? - If you look up the term API, you'll probably find a number of definitions—some of which are rather difficult to understand. - But the key underlying idea is in the name—Application Programming Interface. - An API is an interface.  - It's something that has been created to help two different systems interact with one another. - A key idea to remember is that API functionality is defined independently of the actual implementation of the provider. - Essentially, you don't need to understand the entirety of the application implementation in order to interact with it through the API. Application programming interfaces APIs: 1- It doesn't expose the implementation to those who shouldn't have access to it. 2- The API provides a standard way of accessing the application. 3- It makes it much easier to understand how to access the application's data. How do APIs Work? Client-Server Communication: - When you got to a bank, the bank teller acts as an inter...